Monday, August 8, 2011

The Groom - Tennis Anyone?

I've got to hand it to the groom. He occasionally hits the nail on the head. We were in the family room this evening, talking about what else, the wedding and the bride and I were having a slight disagreement. And when we turned to the groom, and asked him to take a side, he very wisely (wiser than most 19 year old's might be) said,

"I'm Switzerland"

A pearl, a nugget, a gem from this guy...

(photo by Jon Fletcher)

That would be the groom on the right, aka John McEnroe
and the bride's brother is on the left, as who else but Jimmy Connors...
they're dressed this way for 80's night at our Vacation Bible School last week...

 and look like they just stepped out of the men's sportswear section 
of the 1982 Sears catalog.

gotta love Switzerland

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