Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's An Easy Giveaway!

**********Comments Are Closed**********
Oops! I missed the Friday giveaway! But I had a really good was the maid of honor's birthday yesterday and we celebrated by going to dinner and then for ice cream...

Ok, so I not only had one bad idea this week, I had two. Yes, two (it was a banner week). And it's your turn to guess which two they are...

We've been talking some about the reception this past week and all the details that need to be figured out. And I'm all about easy. Whatever's the easy way, I'm your gal. So which TWO of the following statements were my ideas for an "easy reception"...and what are you playing for?

How about...
(1) one $30 gift card to Subway

can't get much easier for dinner that that!

Here's how you play:
Read the three statements below and choose the TWO you think I actually "discussed" with the bride. TWO of the statements are absolutely true. I really thought they were a good idea. And then they were turned down quicker than Speedy Gonzales grabbing a piece of cheese.

Leave (just one!) comment with your guess of which TWO bad ideas I had (A, B or C) and when times up, I'll put all the correct guesses in a bowl and pick a winner!

so here we go.......which TWO of the following ideas do you think I suggested to the bride last week?

I thought it would be a great idea to...

A. Who needs a sit-down dinner at the reception? How about all bars, all the bar, candy bar, pizza bar, cake pop bar, salad bar, juice bar...the possibilities are endless. 

B.  Instead of the wedding cake, have a smores one corner of the reception hall: campfire, lawn chairs, marshmallows, chocolate bars (oooh another bar!) graham crackers...the works.

C.  Instead of the wedding cake, I make cupcakes. For 250 people. The night before the wedding.

Comments will be closed on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 11:00 p.m. Eastern


  1. I pick A and C. Luv ya Michelle <><

  2. I choose A and B! Love ya lots! Christie Mae!

  3. A & C. Rebekah Combs :D

  4. I am going with A and C. I think A is a really good idea. The last two weddings I have attended have had dessert receptions.
    (Angie Crews)

  5. I'm going with A and B, only because I would love to go to a wedding like that! Angel
